Course Search


Day Offered
Date Title Credits Fee Register
November 27th
9:00 AM
SU1722 24 Surgent's Mastering Accounting for Income Taxes 4 $189
November 27th
9:00 AM
SU1755 24 Surgent's Unconscious Bias for Managers, Supervisors, and Executives 2 $129
November 27th
9:00 AM
SU1371 24 Surgent's Features and Benefits of SEP IRAs and SIMPLE IRAs 2 $129
November 27th
SU0825 24 Surgent's U.S. Taxation of Foreign Corporations: A Case Study Approach 3 $179
November 27th
9:00 AM
SU0198 24 Surgent's Four Tiers of Loss Limitations: A Guide to the Rules for 4 $189
November 29th
1:00 PM
SU1139 24 Surgent's Ethical Considerations for CPAs 2 $129
November 29th
9:00 AM
SU1787 24 The Best Federal Tax Update Course by Surgent 8 $329
November 29th
1:00 PM
SU1572 24 Surgent's Guide and Update to Compilations, Reviews, and Preparatio 4 $189
November 29th
1:30 PM
SU1636 24 Surgent's S Corporation Taxation: Advanced Issues 4 $189
November 29th
9:00 AM
SU1696 24 Surgent's Annual Accounting and Auditing Update 8 $329
November 30th
SU1583 24 Surgent's Ethical Considerations for the CPA 4 $189
November 30th
SU0616 24 Surgent's The Risks and Benefits of ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence 2 $149
November 30th
9:00 AM
SU1550 24 Surgent's Key Partnership and S Corporation Tax Planning Strategies 4 $189
November 30th
1:00 PM
SU1892 24 Surgent's A Complete Tax Guide to Exit Planning 2 $149
November 30th
YPNHNE 14 Young Professionals New Hire Networking Event 0 $
December 2nd
1:30 PM
SU0531 24 Surgent's Yellow Book and Single Audits: How to Stay in Good Graces an 4 $189
December 2nd
3:00 PM
SU1018 24 Surgent's Working Remotely: Best Practices, Challenges, and Opportunit 2 $129
December 2nd
3:00 PM
SU0597 24 Surgent's Anatomy of a Ransomware Event and Incident Response 2 $129
December 2nd
9:00 AM
SU0456 24 Surgent's Controller/CFO Update: Hot Topics Facing Today's Financial Profe 4 $189
December 2nd
9:00 AM
SU1821 24 The Best Individual Income Tax Update Course by Surgent 8 $329