Multistate Income Tax Issues MIT24 24


Multistate Income Tax Issues

October 28th, 2024 - October 28th, 2024 @ 9:00am-12:30pm

Member Price $140
Non-Member Price $190
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With the largest overhaul of the federal income tax code in 30 years and the repeal of the physical presence nexus standards for sales tax in the Wayfair case, the states are working fast and furious to overhaul their tax laws. As some states scramble to fund their budgets, they continue to look for additional forms of revenue. Plan to attend this fast-paced class that covers developing topics in the area of nexus. Learn how nexus requirements have changed and where the state laws may be heading in the future.



  • Identify changes in state statutes, regulations and case law
  • Determine how the states will treat changes under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
  • Recognize areas that may require additional attention for state tax planning purposes
  • Recall areas that may be costly for employers or clients
  • Recognize the “who, what, when, and where” of nexus for income and sales tax

Major Subjects


  • Emerging sales tax topics: Elimination of the physical presence standard in determining nexus (Wayfair case); economic nexus for remote sellers; assisting remote sellers in determining a plan of action in states that enforce economic nexus
  • Emerging compliance issues in the new sales tax economy
  • Income Tax (and other forms of tax): Economic nexus (taxation without physical presence)
  • Will states shift away from income tax and increase reliance on sales tax after Wayfair?
  • Treatment of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act by the states: presence of intangible property; is P.L. 86-272 still valid?
  • When to consider voluntary compliance even though the laws do not dictate a sales tax responsibility
